Something you should know
Today has come about
Finally, freedom is here
Long ago, even though I remember well
I broke your friend’s heart
to join paths with you
Side by side
Hand in hand
I found it all within you
All there could ever be found
Love, betrayal and most of all -- punishment.
It is all mine and always was meant to be mine
The karmic spell I released
Found its way into what I called my life than
It creeped up months after even years
It quadrupled in strength
It was a giant
Like a mad woman I would ask endlessly
How could this be?
Prytell how could it?
Today I know the answer lies within me
I am the past and the present and the future too
My sins are washed away with the tears I shed
My heart speaks clearly and honestly
From it saw the misery I put another through
It was a relay if you will
A game we did not know we were ought to play
To seal fate, to balance even
I wish for forgiveness from the boy who carried an evolutionist’s name
Rightfully so, we evolved, until the karmic journey swept it all elsewhere
Something you should know
Today I have tied the knots of my guilt and pride
Tomorrow will come about
With a different scent, a fresh summer like wind will pass.
Carrying my thoughts elsewhere.
What was had to be
And what could have been
Need not to plea
Today has come about to reward my patience
I believe in karma,
Today I have signed the document of mine.
Something you should know.