Feb 23, 2008


Thank you

And again for being a part

Of me and of my path

For sharing my passions and or becoming an observer

Perhaps being my cane or a vehicle in life

Yesterday we mourned another year that left

Footprints in the sand … shells all around

Today we celebrate the chance to have lived another

To part with sorrows and love

Join me and lets join rivers into oceans

I will be the foam and you will be the ocean

Thank you

For the yesterdays and tomorrows

Which will dominate the waters of our worlds

Thank you

Most of all

For today and this magical night.

For your hand and honest mind

I can never thank enough

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(thank you note from 30th bday party)



may you split my heart into two
Though you will suffer trying to demise my memories
May you go around the world and become two not one within
I have been places
I have seen a million faces
Yours will remain in my subconscious
I notice my friend smiling and his smile is yours
I don't pretend my thoughts aren't hunted
Otherwise why do I remember a smile ?
Permisson to stake my mind to grasp facts
Truth as opposed to imagination
But perhaps all these too are one
For what is really is not and what was always will be.

For German 7-19-07
After a long conversation about the past.

First poem for my father.. ever.

Chci te branit
Chci te mlatit
Chci te milovat
Chci te znovu znat

Aby vsechno bylo tak jak to ma byt
Tak aby se vsechny more sesli
A jedna lod prejela cely svet
A svet byl k nepoznani

Chci abychom se spolu smali
Chci abysme oba chteli chtit
Chci abys me znovu znal
Jinak to uz nemuze byt

Jak ten nahrobni kamen
Co mi povedel vse co chybelo mezi nama
Za chvili u nas nebude na kameni kamen
Jinak to uz nemuze byt


Odraz - poem for my father

Kdyz se ztratis ve dne nebo v noci
Najdes se jiste v kalisku caje

Ten temny lesk, ta misena vune citronu s cukrem

Dovede te do nadhernych myslenek

A sam sebe budes v caji se odrazet

Na prochazce lesem

Vidim cosi krasneho

Ikdyz neco tak prosteho

Sedi mala u studanky a diva se do vody

A hleda
Co asi?
Jak ty sedis u krbu se svarenym vinem

Tak ta mala hleda v zrcadle studanky

Tvar kterou jednou znala

Kdysi davno a ted
Se na ni odrazi z vody
A pripomina vse a nic
A porad se diva na ni a neprestava

Kdykoliv se ztratis
Jak ve dne nebo v noci

Podivej se do odrazu vody
Na stribrnou temnotu

Ktera prinese odpoved

Kdyz ne dnes tak mozna zitra

ro tatu od Lucie


I float and spin with the rage of the open water
Bruising my body over the stones in the way
Faster and faster I must go; I need to move
If not speed of light a second slower
The split wood in my bleeding hands
It does not suffer me I suffer it
I require it to sting me through every drop of blood
To live, to feel, to know and to continue
The living creatures I share this moving sphere with
They are the outmost lucky ones
They feel no pain and they understand no injustice
Though they understand survival and its immediate results
I understand if a bridge does not come soon enough
I will float even after I am no more amongst them
Other than my flesh and bones perhaps serving
As their dinner, come all to eat my flesh
I may at last carry a meaning.


For Victor


If my loving you is a waste
Then let me burn and waste away at a slow pace
let my skin turn black
If you not loving me is a waste
You must sail away and open yourself to the winds
and bare the open sea and its storms
If we find a way to one another which meets
Us both in the middle of it all
We may just come out on top
And still be two not one but come together
Individualities and opposites attract they say
Dualities make for some interesting times
I realize our differences and our simple truths
Which combine all that one can say at this time
There is so much beauty if one sits still and takes a second
Look at any one thing on this earth
I am looking at you once and again
If all the frustrations can be omitted and worked out
And the clouds of anger be dissipated
None other than discoveries will take place
Our freedoms matter
Our souls come to a stance for each of our ways
Love, patience and will to live make a world a true journey.
May you take this and or another journey you will do well.

To you Vitya, from me. Lutzko.


Feb 22, 2008

Was today another cell?
Repeated, duplicated, forced to live its life span out
Or did the inevitable swept the idea of normalcy
Replicated, with a minor dent, cancerous cell
It is true
Die you overzealous creature
Put your hand into a pool of blood
See how much is dripping down your forearm?
Can you count the life left behind
Do you want to know what comes?
Throw the redness onto the ground!
Will it nurture?
Can it?
Now you dark mouth say what you will and eat up what you may
The day of ceasure will come
Just you wait.

2/2008 For Vic.