Feb 25, 2009


Three and one tree that lines your street
Thirty one reasons to live out loud
Thirty one ways to adore time
Thirty one days to a month that becomes a year that fulfills a life
Thirty one nights that are remembered while sitting on a rock in central park you call your own
Thirty one suns that burn as desire awakens within
Thirty one smiles in an hour while you stand on New York City avenue and count them down
Thirty one blank faces which one smile instantly redeems
One day in thirty one days you may feel as if
Only that day matters and there is no need to think past that day
Thirty one pages in a notebook that you keep by your bed side
In case of a dream that is to be set free
Three plus one is four.. four seasons ahead
Four seasons past
Thirty and then one flaps of a seagull that is occupying a nearby beach
Freedom comes when you invite it in and embrace it in three and one ways
Thirty one is a number full of thirst, enlaced with infinite possibilities.

Written  2.21.09
For a Birthday gift


I picture everyone I know
And see them go through roller coasters
Every season brings a different speed
The most wonderful aspect of winter
Is the stillness it brings and the whiteness it entails
Crunching of the snow as you walk
Snowflakes that fall quietly
Far from the loudness of the monsoon rains
It is towering and building without a sound
You look out of your window
And with some luck
There is a bunch of icicles
Hanging in that peaceful fashion
As only icicles are able
You may run your fingers over them to
Make sure they are real
Breaking the thinner ones as your fingers slide
Before breaking them and sending them parachuting down
Stare for a moment through each one
Let the blue, purple and yellow reflections hit your eyes
And so you will spin into an unfamiliar stillness
May even cry with happiness
What is a second of nothingness and light?
Eternity of peace and soul flight
With that in mind
I would like to wish you and yours will take the icicle
And spend one moment each time your mind
Craves stillness to be about
Then you will look through it
See the film and see yourself; see your loved ones
And the ones that have passed
See it all in an icicle
In a split fraction of time
May the next four seasons be filled
With an abundance of peace and icicle moments

All the love and peace,

Lucie Teichmann

December 2008