Cannot stand the feeling of loosing your ground to a higher feeling?
Begging yourself to not feel anything anymore?
What is greater then intense intention?
When do you succumb to the nature of yourself?
There are no words necessary to describe this to me as I grasp it all too well.
What can come as a single water drop can expand into a lake, and the water's power overcome your fear to be denied independence and freedom,
If you take a look and stand over any size water body, you'll see a copy of yourself as in a mirror,
For water is life, never a ceasing of life, it can be the most yielding or the most cruel of life forces but in the end no matter what it will do it will create life.
You can't deny yourself the nature of water, if you try, you will understand quickly its terror and possible wrath,
But if you embrace water like a fish, it will bring you far and to a place, where you can be free and naturally explode in talent and in truth,
And then the fire will become undone, and not harmful to you!
Thus you won't have to shield from your own very nature,
From your heart's every desire,
Your path will clear of walls.
And stones will lay down in front of you to walk on,
To keep walking.
To remain fearless and true.