Feb 10, 2011


Loose yourself in the green paper over and over
Through and through it goes in no exits at first
Not all currency is of the color of spring, come to think
Only the dollar, slew of fresh grass if you will
The God infused paper so they claim
Every time it passes your fingers it reminds us of in God we should trust
Each bank note calls the sage, when no green paper laid itself at Jesus’s feet
At his last supper no coins were exchanged, no banknotes rolled up
So loose yourself in all colors of all the currency you touch,
How many thousands of rolls have you held in your hands?
Did it warm your heart or did you forget?
Even then imagine it all collapses tomorrow
In order to keep warm
You’ll watch it all burn
Fire will cook the fresh meat you hunted
With a sparrow, maybe with your bare hands
Absolute void of the green roll
Swiftly arrives a sheer instinct of survival, of a wolf's howl
When do we become well-oiled machines and slaves?
To the colorful paper with all sorts of denominations
The time will come when in middle of splendid mountains 
A moose running loose you and an abandoned bus
You will burn the wood first, naturally
The bed frame, the sheets and blankets perishing next,
Alaskan wilderness can prove deadly if you aren’t prepared
Those colors in that paper you hold have a similar stand
But it is not your body that is at stake
Your insides, the tree of life, the roots of any true wanderlust
The very soul of whom you are,
Once you taste the juices of the berries, purple and black
Sweet success melting in your hands
It’d be unheard of,  you inclined to think and state
Unthinkable to utter, a clownish performance at best
To return to the Barcelona streets penniless
Yet free of any constraint of anything
That squeezes you in handcuffs until it draws blood and rubs skin
Puts you in a wheel chair as if you are handicapped
Keep climbing with your eyes and hands,
Lift each layer of the corporate mass
Lust away at the glitter and the over priced,
After all why not
It suits you like a well-made glove,
You have become a salve in your own right,
Willingly, without anyone throwing a swift lasso at your neck
At the downtown dirty bazaar
But believe you me, leashed you are
It may be the color of gold or platinum
It’s as thick of a rope as any farm animal would know to rub its skin
Colored paper rolls in your hand, a king’s portrait
Speak your best, do your worst
Bid your presence null and keep the slave you bought
Happily, thrilled to go on and build
Another pyramid taller then the last.


Feb 7, 2011


Even if no exchange happens and isolation
Of our souls remain in tact
One day you’ll know
This letter will burn your eyes to slivers

Years in advance you have scheduled your desires
Following the etchings and sketches of your brain
Maps, closely watched trains
One day, one unscheduled stop, a moment of evil clarity
Will bring you back the knowledge of today, of now

Your prey is easily caught in the net of class
Charm, laughter, laps of fun, dead fish netting this eve
This catch, might you admit a slight remorse, not by any chance
And clearly state to the winds listening – my heart was taken
As a fable attempt to clear the path you made
Unable to return, you are frozen still
One moment will melt the debris surrounding the wall

The ways of the world are as clear as a summer day in the Basque country
Water and earth, mud comes undone sliding
And sticking to the keyhole and your fingers
Again and again you try to fit the key into the hole
Slide after slide, try after try
Cannot, it will not cave to your will
To your whim, not at this time

How effortlessly you discard, disarm, and ignore
Your own, theirs and everyone’s dreams
For when you are old and bitter, comfortably swaying in your wrinkles
Sif* in a lovely wooden garden swing
This only weighs in when you are cold
Whether above or in the ground
One day you shall be of the know, of the now.
