Jan 25, 2006

Written for "Brokeback Mountain"

Man to man

I know not why I possess the nature in me

To cling to you while God must have cussed me

All the books I read tell me it is a sin

My heart tells me this is the way it ought to be

I live haunted by images of people who can't see

I pray one day this will be the only truth to be known

What heart wants heart gets minus the gold

Within the walls of my room my thoughts circulate

They are there even though I am long gone to another state

You are in my room

You have always been there

Before I knew you and now after the world has shown

Us separate ways to lead

For me the heavens know not much more than I do now

All you are and all you ever be in my mind

Is the half I miss when I wake up next to my wife


1 comment:

Lucie said...

I was moved by this movie that it inspired me to write this short poem as if I was one of the characters. I am hoping one day we all will be able to stick our natural feelings and love who we love freely. Whether in the mountains or in the place where skyscrapers make the mountain outline. Enjoy.