Sep 24, 2006



Nostalgic we may be today
Sitting in a circle and passing a tale
Tomorrow's waking will sever our ties with the past
In moments the future floats
As hope springs a new flotilla
Into the sea's hands
Knowing is not understanding
Remembering is not stalling
Hoping is not pretending
Loving is not weakening
I stood here by this tree
Shortly after it was planted
I was on high ground and almost touching
The sky's gates
Then I grew some more
And the tree eventually caught up
And grew even taller
If I saw the tree today
Could I see myself standing beside it
The platinum hair and a polka dot hat?
You think?
I agree
Nostalgia is a friendly neighbor of the soul
To say the least
Knowing fortunes is knowing when you took your first step
Remembering reasons is always second hand to gathering
An image one placed away in a well of memories
None are forgotten,
Trust if you will and the return to the tree
You outgrew then
Will take its grace in a moment's pass
Nostalgia I greet you
With open arms

By Lucie Teichmann
7/30/05 to counterpart/to follow VS's "Nostalgia"

1 comment:

Jstine said...

What an extraordinary poem! But...but, how could you be so wise and yet soooo young? It is quite marvelous. Would you permit me to post it on my femmie little blog,

Come say "hello" there, then decide.

Hugs, Justine