Early dawn awake I don't recall
Was it last night
Or were you at all
In my arms
I had consumed by your belly's flesh
Beautiful lustful summer eve
I placed my hand where no other
Has gone prior
One muscle move, two now three
Created marvelous symphony of movement
I pray for no tomorrow
As my mind will be rid of you my dear
All is crystal clear
One night only
Shall you have me
Crack of a sun's ray
Morning's bliss
Will not contain our last kiss
Awaken by the crunches of the dried grass
I listen to your step
Reaching me only from a far
A place I could not see nor grasp
Was it last night
Or were you not
Just in my willing embrace
Mountain of silk
Effortless my days are
For energy is spent in the night
You and I re-emerge
A thousand and one times
In one blink of an eye
I feel for the two dimples
Down your lower spine
Planting flowers of passion in each one
You invigorate my every sense,
Godliness or the like
Affair of a lifetime
Crickets hum your name into the dark skies
Tomorrow then will I know a cricket's sound?
Were you not just here beside me
Your hair served as a blind
Was it a century ago
Or just last night
Every night it is a new way of life
You don't exist
Yet the one before you
Was precisely alike
Don't believe me
Just you wait
The morning's light.
For Victor on 11.24.05
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