Aug 4, 2010

In Another Life

In another life I'd be able to hold you endlessly
In another life I'd be fond to tell you how I feel day in and day out
In this world and next I only watch from a close afar
I fear not you but I
Fear my own heart

In another life I'd be a turquoise butterfly
With black edges come to visit the flowers that seeded right by your door
Trace your steps and fly into the day ahead
Castle of thought you have created
World I never knew existed
Has unrolled like a magic carpet on its own

In another life I'd know knowing you is not enough
Being with you is but half the infinite beauty
Sharing days with you is equal to nature's calls
Remembering you is like seeing a rainbow
On a fresh morning sky so lucid

In another life I'd know and run to cherish every moment
I'd build a wall out of stone with my bear hands to protect it
Feed it with life of my heart dearest

In another life I'd live what I meditate in this one
In another life I'd reach the rivers' end and construct a waterfall there
Springing each day anew with water throws and water-like will
Knowing, not needing
Seeing, not pretending

In another life I'd be myself to myself
To death does me part and beyond.

Written  by Lucie Teichmann on 8.15.05;
a deviation of a friend's thought which served as a guide to this poem to its inception.

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