Dec 14, 2006


August 2002

Something you should know
Today has come about
Finally, freedom is here
Long ago, even though I remember well
I broke your friend’s heart
to join paths with you
Side by side
Hand in hand
I found it all within you
All there could ever be found
Love, betrayal and most of all -- punishment.
It is all mine and always was meant to be mine
The karmic spell I released
Found its way into what I called my life than
It creeped up months after even years
It quadrupled in strength
It was a giant
Like a mad woman I would ask endlessly
How could this be?
Prytell how could it?
Today I know the answer lies within me
I am the past and the present and the future too
My sins are washed away with the tears I shed
My heart speaks clearly and honestly
From it saw the misery I put another through
It was a relay if you will
A game we did not know we were ought to play
To seal fate, to balance even
I wish for forgiveness from the boy who carried an evolutionist’s name
Rightfully so, we evolved, until the karmic journey swept it all elsewhere
Something you should know
Today I have tied the knots of my guilt and pride
Tomorrow will come about
With a different scent, a fresh summer like wind will pass.
Carrying my thoughts elsewhere.
What was had to be
And what could have been
Need not to plea
Today has come about to reward my patience
I believe in karma,
Today I have signed the document of mine.
Something you should know.


Dec 3, 2006

Two Journeys

which way?

To my journey I say come on
To the oracle of choice and future I grant a smile
While there is so much faith in me
There is enormous plight in all I see
In my dreams I speak to the condors of the east
And while awake I follow the eagle’s swiftness
Circular motions, our heads spinning
The past and future come to the same conclusion
Although today the belly in my face is swirling
Swaying my eyes into the depth of my soul
Reaching for thoughts less than admirable
This state between sleep and awake
Eventually it ceases to exist
Much like all else within us and within nature
With the world far from our feet
Shall we replenish or continue the belly dance feasts?
I must agree both are at stake, my mind and the heart that keeps tingling
Until they both unite to save it all in grace.

December 2006

Nov 26, 2006


blowing candles

My body does not remember
The doorstep on my building recalls
The three unpainted bricks on Cornwall street sigh with memories
Why do I not rekindle any of what was?
Is it so deeply buried in my head?
Unsuspecting folk run by me as the water runs out of the faucet
I sulk I smile
I crave and I cave into bliss
You ask time and time again..
Reconsider and forget the fear
I attempt to plea I do not feel fear
Nor do I feel desire, love or lust
For you to reconsider to ask once more and again
To not feel or feel the great fog settling in
What is the catch in the scene between you and I?
The past I say, truth and kindness
Take you on a journey
Similarly it can rekindle your spirit
To fly and pass the unpainted part of the house
That knows you so well
And then your body will stop asking
For you and I.


Sep 24, 2006

Same Yet Not Alike

tic tac toe on sand

Strolling through these woods makes me smile

When I feel the playful wind breeze by me and make the leaves sing

Song which sounds the same as before yet there isn’t one that is exactly alike

I don’t mean this to sound cute or some such

Just a way you make me feel,

Always the same yet very different each time

Like a deck of cards you pick one hoping it will bring you luck in game

I no longer await that card

Each chance I ride to its full eclipse

If watching the stars at night in the middle of nowhere

While the fireworks were going up into the dark sky

Which opens its arms and accepts the intrusion as if

It was always intended

Kind of like you

Always intended and now rising to the occasion

I open my arms to your intense rising,

May you be the card or the cherry tree from early childhood memories

Time is not always kind but it is right, in any case

And the cherry story you ask

Do you see the albatross story in your days of youth as I?

It’s correlation to a new start, hope and chance in a form of a child?

I dream of less than perfect prunes filling up a deep bowl resting on a wooden porch

Sewed with the shadow’s of a man’s life

My grandfather made when his albatross has made his visit known

I shared something with you yesterday

We swung the afternoon away, it was decorated with sunrays

Which were calm and beyond gentle

Back when I was a child in Europe

We all had such a summer house

There was a huge cherry tree in my neighbor's garden

Of course a long thick rope was attached to it’s strongest of branches

We’d climb up the cherry stairs grab a handful of wine red pairs

Dress them over our ears no matter boy or girl

Swung for hours on end in bliss

There maybe you see it too, how simple and true.

Always it sings and sounds the same yet it’s never alike,

Like you, like I, like the moon at night.

On 9.5.05



Nostalgic we may be today
Sitting in a circle and passing a tale
Tomorrow's waking will sever our ties with the past
In moments the future floats
As hope springs a new flotilla
Into the sea's hands
Knowing is not understanding
Remembering is not stalling
Hoping is not pretending
Loving is not weakening
I stood here by this tree
Shortly after it was planted
I was on high ground and almost touching
The sky's gates
Then I grew some more
And the tree eventually caught up
And grew even taller
If I saw the tree today
Could I see myself standing beside it
The platinum hair and a polka dot hat?
You think?
I agree
Nostalgia is a friendly neighbor of the soul
To say the least
Knowing fortunes is knowing when you took your first step
Remembering reasons is always second hand to gathering
An image one placed away in a well of memories
None are forgotten,
Trust if you will and the return to the tree
You outgrew then
Will take its grace in a moment's pass
Nostalgia I greet you
With open arms

By Lucie Teichmann
7/30/05 to counterpart/to follow VS's "Nostalgia"

Sep 11, 2006

One Year of Pashiks

Today four seasons have been
And a life has been lived
If not now then when do I say
The heart is truer than birth
And more certain than death unto us all
Thank you for 365 days that will remain
Two of us
One thought

I love you today as I have loved you now for a while
More than I ever imagined…

From Pashikus
The second
To the pashik the very first



Could not hear past the grinding of my thoughts
Not yesterday who knows if today will go any different
But one extremely burning thought has risen swiftly
It has yet to fall and retreat to the woods of the unpleasant
Creeper I may name it for its existence is now more than ever
Present and although a future one may never arrive
To demolish what has so soundly been built for months
Can it but take a creeper for a night?
Blank lines, empty sheets and what is bound in between
My pen has not dipped and my inkbottle has dried up
Today I aid to the creeper and just for now
Tomorrow although is it as uncertain as any part of life
It will shine through on me and then on the creeper
That I am and you are and we are one
Creeper dearest I hold you dear today
And welcome you amongst us
Because you are me and within and part of
Never do I ask to withhold any of what has become
Creeper of mine
I ask you humbly to flee
So I can pick up my pen and refill the pages with countless flights
More eloquently you say?
Be gone!
Speak no further and create no delays.

Apr 11, 2006

Take a bow


Let me take a bow

I want the tips of my hair to touch the ground

In your honor

You don’t require

Allow me to celebrate

All the benevolence within you

Throw some fireworks into the air

On a cold April day

Chills you may experience

But how could one compare

I stand tall to call

You one of a kind

To sit calmly and deny

Would only be a way of a fool’s mind

Today is rolled out for you, smile

Don’t stop, create and continue

May it never end, your patience

And bravery alike

I look to the sun and to the moon

Thereafter today has gone by

And you have seen both

Finding what’s important

Your one and only true heart

Knowing your steps

Will lead you on and here on out

May you never stop.

For Brian K. celebrating his bday

April 3, 2006

Apr 1, 2006


Smokey shades of you appear in the daylight

They are welcoming and still

I know not of you or into you

Who you are or may be is as unclear

As the day’s after today agenda

Soldier of your wicked mind

You dare to deviate from a thrill

Recalling your own fleeting will

Soaking your elbows in your past

Lifting your prose into the future

I do heart your stories and

Shameless act of random inappropriate jokes

Which speak high in fantasy, torture and violence

Even if I may not see it they are rich in fortune

Might you be the boy that pushed

The hot dog stand down the subway stairs?

No need for lavish or the beautiful

Only the eyes see

These truths are forbidden in the tower of the victorious

You remain without a staple

Without a trace of alteration of any kind


Mar 16, 2006

Devil's Own (from my older files)


Devil's own way it has become
I have been through it all
It seems so,
Picture perfect
Hell on earth
Now I am wondering and crossing the two lines
Stuck between a rock and a wooden tile
How can I forget?
Why wasn't it said?
Like the clouds before the storm unleashes
My mind is dark, gloomy and senseless
Ungrateful is truth when it comes too late
Frightened I am to seek it again, from you or someone else
Cruelly I learned of another world
World so close to mine, almost identical
No longer I feel identified, pure if you will
The tree's branches are heavier by many giant birds
They look far into the horizon
I follow their stare
In hopes I will see what they see
And will be able to flare
My heart to believe in you
Once and again
Before I met the king of heat,
The feisty underground man
I knew nothing of fear,
I was not aware of who I really am
But then I faced a meeting of a lifetime
Devil's own I became into what I am now
Creature of full might, I don't blame you, not a bit
Closer to home the fierceness hits
I could describe the place and time
Somewhere between oceans and rivers which are unkind.
Now you and I are meeting for the last time,
Or perhaps not
One can never tell future pages of the book unwritten
If you see me in your way, walk on, as I will do the same.
Devil's own private sale.


Mar 12, 2006


Breathing is allowing life through

Knowing is not knowing anything

Unlearning is being born

Standing is really walking without moving

Sleeping is dreaming without understanding your dreams

Touch is the beginning of a soul

Listening is the begging of a heart’s beat

Touch is by far the only way to relate


dresden me on wall

It was today I knew my future

I saw it sprinkle like a morning dew

Clearly it attaches to everything I am and will be

Proposals and tiny wheels of fortune

Granted me a genie wish

Look into another me

In a time no open eye has seen

I crop the picture and get the center’s attention

Only to soothe my mind

The cravings I experienced as a child

My hair grew white in time

And the totality of one’s presence

No longer avidly mattered

Just time and space

Perhaps not even that

My heart softened and yielded

Into what it always could be

Patient and blind

For it became merciful and

Utterly kind

Yes it was today I became

Can't Be Undone

swoosh over bump

Clearly I seek

Failing to meet

The bottom of my heart

Stubbornly I keep walking

Shoeless on the glass covered street

Politely my blood streaks

Must I possess thee?

For the love of steel

I will cry in my sleep

Not knowing I burn you endlessly

Fire in my arm and heart


No, it is a chain covered in your skin

I made you sweat through it

Convincingly you shed your layers

Mistakenly you let me in

Phantom this if you will

The fox in my brain hardly ever sits still

Can’t be undone

Not in this life time

The forests will serve you and I well

Perfectly underground

Mar 9, 2006


Smile for love is right in front of you

I wonder this place in time where I often find myself now
Is it my own to have or just space and time lent to me

I did not seek it nor did I refuse it

It became my world my routine

This union with this place in which I experience
Comfort divine
I wonder could it just be I am walking through
And not counting seconds this time around?

I wonder is my heart crazed and or just nonchalant?

I wonder am I infatuated or am I in love?

Mar 6, 2006

TORN -(written for my dear Maly)



Must the inevitable seek me?

Has not my heart confronted thee

Very credible alter mind

I run, I hide

I seek, I find

I crave and I miss

Just as I get I throw away

A miniscule few understand my way

I fear not and I dwell not too well

On things I may or may not contemplate

Today is the day

Tomorrow does not exist as of yet

Today will you be who you are?

And tomorrow whom you pretend to be now?

I dare to know

I know better then to waste the precious

Am I doomed or incredibly lucky?

This humming bird inside my head tells me

It is so and not any other way

It could not be that I pushed the real me

Into the wall in which you exist

The turmoil in which I find thee and thee

For I feel scars are reopening

Which night is slowly creeping into me?

The one I did not sleep through

Or the one I know I will not see an end to?

Must the inevitable be so real?

Or can I wake up from my dream?

Por Ti, mi locita!


Little heart 2 heart

He likes me

I know now

He prefers me

That is clear all that much

He conveys light touch

To me and to him while he sleeps

Self sustained he became

He likes me I can tell

Pro notions of who knows what will be

He does stay here now and then

Connections through silent breaths

And loud air spats

He likes me

I know now

He is not defined

By him and I

While he sees he does not read

As if his eyes grew tired of me

Hold your heart in my hands
Dear milestone
When you smile
You're some kind of devlish
When you offer to explain
You are welcoming
When your frustration reaches the brim
Your eyes could kill a bear
When you hold me
I couldn’t escape
When you are asleep
I urgently duck your swinging elbows
But when you do awake
You are no short of sweet
The kisses you spray
Glue to my neck for the rest of the day
And give the beginning and an end
For this alone I could walk
A line of fire and through rays of horror
To you my love I say
On with the faces, grimaces and knowledge,
Emotion and progression
Sealing it with a kiss
So blunt
So gentle
And to the far
Cries of the sky
To live and to life.

Jan 31, 2006

Through the smoke

Through the smoke by my side I see

Through the window of someone else’s opportunity

The circles in the air

All floating high and fair

I breathe in and they disappear

Warm clouds of gray

Come and go as I stay

With a notion of knowing this moment

Is no more and no less

Without a flare

Through the smoke I see what’s there

So I sit and travel my thoughts

With a smoky friend in hand

Slow notions of the past

Bring me to know me

Through the smoke I blend

The then the now and what will be.

Through the blows of smoke I can be free.


Jan 26, 2006

today I thought of..

Cold steel in my hole of nurture

Setting an example to the white soldiers

Here you must stand rooted and numb

Like the giraffe and the ant sees

The difference in power and stance

I too can feel

May the nature prevail

When steel is part of who we are

Made by nature

And perfected by the soul of pain

Why not return to the forms

Of the very state of mind

Where pain is no where to be found

And where the invention does not

Conquer the natural

And by so co-existing

They flourish and go on



Jan 25, 2006

Written for "Brokeback Mountain"

Man to man

I know not why I possess the nature in me

To cling to you while God must have cussed me

All the books I read tell me it is a sin

My heart tells me this is the way it ought to be

I live haunted by images of people who can't see

I pray one day this will be the only truth to be known

What heart wants heart gets minus the gold

Within the walls of my room my thoughts circulate

They are there even though I am long gone to another state

You are in my room

You have always been there

Before I knew you and now after the world has shown

Us separate ways to lead

For me the heavens know not much more than I do now

All you are and all you ever be in my mind

Is the half I miss when I wake up next to my wife


Jan 16, 2006


Scratch an itch I plea
Why not hear me please
Sensual and great you would be
I see in your eyes, they emerge out of sea of passion
I feel it in your touch, which can be as smooth as
Mink’s tail
I hear it in your voice
More of a desire tunnel I enter
Each time, every moment I crave
From my mouth’s moan to the
Curve in my spine I so boldly hold
Bear the silk along my thighs
Cram the space between my eyes
Tear my flesh
Glue my heart
Onto the floor and beyond.

Jan 15, 2006

Is it?

I don’t want to dazzle you with my wits,

I am not pursuing your admiration,

I desire not to get your attention by my charm,

Needless to say my looks are fine, yet don’t wish for your mind to combine,

I crave for you to know whom I am inside,

To lay my character down,

For you to accept my flaws and be rejoiced with my talents,

I need you to be aware of the whole me myself and I.

Is that too much?

Today, this nite my thoughts go to you...


Did you ever think you would spoon with another?

Did you ever crave the touch of my hand before you and I ever met?

Did you feel it in your dream while I was away?

Did you think you’d be mesmerized by a simple stare?

In the depths of your soul, did you sense the day you found love would come this soon

If not today you yearn for, will tomorrow suffice?

How incredibly addicting are lips of your love, please do tell, as I am yet to know a notion as such

I want to spread across the morning sky when the colors are bright beams of light

Did you ever deem to be helpless, afraid and still due to another’s presence?

You do not need to reply, speak or smile…I feel it inside

I feel you when you are not around, I hear you when you are not speaking

Do you know why?

Long after your fingers are gone I feel you sliding their tips down my spine

Sensation lingers for hours and our till our fingers meet again, hand in hand and side by side

You can leave today and I will not be able to cast a single vote to dispel

Written for .... on 6.30.03

Jan 5, 2006

Missing my friend, thoughts of Daud

Through the rain

I saw your hands rise

Through the nights

I heard your cries

Through the thunder

I recognized the doubling beat of your heart

Through the moonlight

I realized the healing kind you are

No meeting between you and I

Has been un-profound

All our talks have geared new thoughts and directions

Truth has always been by our side

Through the rain

I knew you were humble

Following the tear sliding down your cheek

Reaching your fingertips

Through the water shed

Through the sun and with the ever fair

Through you I learned much anew

Through the rain

I appreciate you.

For Daud from and by Lucie


For Maly's picture

Wings of might

Take me far away

Allow me

To be a million and one clouds

Glancing over the longest of rivers,

The highest of mountains,

The deepest of valleys, and further.

Let me be the witness to humanity

Let the wind guide my journey

I wish for my wings to spread

Become colossal

I’d grant you the same freedom

My friend

So you could share my vision

My flight

New dark yellow dunes border an old oasis

I fly over these dunes

To give good news to the approaching caravan

My wings

My pride

My f.light

My kind

My way of knowing by spreading

My wings

My flight

1.4.06 By Lucie T. for decorating Maly’s picture of eagles

given to me for xmas 2005.

One less

Tonite I slept knowing one less

Today seeing a whim of the old self

Rested knowing both and none

Thoughts whirled though my very being

They linger on today and the day after

Is it anguish I wonder?

Can I exist one less?

Knowing them both

High sigh

Decision approaches

The street light on my block.