Apr 22, 2007


for another image I would go far and beyond what I can believe
for another day I would cross your path and scream
for all eternity
through more of your eyes closings and morning light which
brings the blue into a moment to pass
I fly high through the trees and your arms
not to fall but to glide and slow down the evergreens
in which days feel like months and the thoughts could fill a book
for another image through a hole I must fill
through a waterfall of greatness in the wood you make sing
another day a beautiful sound will reign along with a note you create
just as all the days and nights pass by
this shall too
for another image Icould always say
this is due to you only


Jan 27, 2007



A butterfly,
a notion on the wall

One, two, three, four

May you come out of hiding

Perhaps not today, perhaps not even tomorrow

From the hours and hours spent helping ones who

You deem to help

The time in between is yours and yours to play

So the butterfly can freely escape

The moment's dull face and replay all over

Again when in between comes too soon

I wish for you and your butterfly

To unite for one last time

Calm your stare and soften your grip

You are entirely bound to it and it to you

Give in now

A butterfly, a thought to achieve

A life to live and to proceed

The soft rattling below your feet

Is a mere beginning

Two wings, one moment, two ways to go

A butterfly.
