Nov 29, 2010


Why don't you trek to the deepest canyon's peak
Call out your name over and over in vain
Hear the river of echoes floating back your way
Once they are gone, and they will flee
Ask the dust
What you really are
Little pieces of broken dried up flesh
Stuck, hidden, preserved even 
Under a tall large yellow rock
No, you don't fear an unknown town
You don't walk away from certain risk or danger
You fear not to climb walls that belong to another
Returning shortly after dusk
Any drug, overdose even if
Waking up with a knife at your throat
No the dust will tell you 
This frightens you not a pinch
It is quite a simple bit, I am afraid you'd smirk sire
Just ask the flowing dust
It is a broken heart you fear most
More so then a death wish onto an innocent child
Trust if no one else, it'll settle
And after the shore winds are gone
Whirls of dust speak where they are swept to
And cover your one and only fear
The dusty cloud moves faster than you can see
Or muster to feel
Just pose the query 
I promise it'll tell but a simple and quick tale
Ask the whirl in the dust
If you dare.


Nov 23, 2010

Only One Beloved

As Rumi said hundreds of moons ago
One and only Beloved
All his fatal love becomes Yours
Through this relentless fire
You’ll possess his Warmth,
The deep realization of self
And be of His touch through all your Movement
Only one that gives all his unparalleled Love
And life and heaps of blinding Light
As for me
A candle and water reflections unite
As young lovers do
Two swallows choose a direction
From flickering fire tracks in the water
Safeharbor this Secret in your Heart
For the One and only Beloved
Appears and arrives only when you Believe
Permit him to wake through your only vessel
Of Life, and
Into the vehicle of your Soul.
One and Only Beloved
May He find You.

Rumi tribute

12.12.2009 – edited 11.23.10

Nov 12, 2010


Another Year we Feasted
In Silence We Hear
The Clearest of Sounds
Hold a Hand of Another
Today, Quiet the noises
Your Other Hand is a free Bird
Employ it with a Great Intention
Too, Insist on the Magnificent Silence
Sit and Share the sights of the bare tree Trunks,
Perhaps covered in Dazzling snow Blankets
Or sit on a White beach
Washing your Toes in the Seashore
In Peace, you'll realize
The Greatest Fortune of the Human kind
The Presence of another's Silence
Alongside Yours
And Then it happens
You'll hear a Chime in the Wind
Two Shells rubbing Against each Other
Two metal shapes Clinging to Sound like a Glue
It is not Only my Wish but also a small Command
Within the Beauty that Exist in You and Around
Chime Away for years To come.

Happy Holidays 2010

Nov 1, 2010

In Bali

A lovely island sprinkled with Hindu temples
How I wish you were here to witness
The white tall waves and the great ocean sounds
The black pearls and quietude
Spelled across the bluest of skies
All the water around me attempting to wash away
My memories
Of you
Every time I see a woman in a sari
I think, almost wishing you’d take a dip into the pool by my feet,
Lonely water drips, footsteps to the villa
I walk alone
Knowing what I ought to know
Seeing what I prefer to recognize
There is no real way to bring you here
To this moment in time
Crystal clear water
Tell me now
If I close my eyes
Will I wake up with you next to me?
And if Not
Will the dreaming stop?
Bali is breathtaking
Even if it has so much less
Then your kind embrace
An island in the middle of my mind
Suits me and you just fine
Temple bells I hear
And it tells me it's time
For a prayer
For I don’t know how
But I can’t seem to give in
Without a small wish
For an hour of your presence
Be it in Bali or floating in the Dead Sea
Be it tomorrow or in five years.
