Mar 16, 2006

Devil's Own (from my older files)


Devil's own way it has become
I have been through it all
It seems so,
Picture perfect
Hell on earth
Now I am wondering and crossing the two lines
Stuck between a rock and a wooden tile
How can I forget?
Why wasn't it said?
Like the clouds before the storm unleashes
My mind is dark, gloomy and senseless
Ungrateful is truth when it comes too late
Frightened I am to seek it again, from you or someone else
Cruelly I learned of another world
World so close to mine, almost identical
No longer I feel identified, pure if you will
The tree's branches are heavier by many giant birds
They look far into the horizon
I follow their stare
In hopes I will see what they see
And will be able to flare
My heart to believe in you
Once and again
Before I met the king of heat,
The feisty underground man
I knew nothing of fear,
I was not aware of who I really am
But then I faced a meeting of a lifetime
Devil's own I became into what I am now
Creature of full might, I don't blame you, not a bit
Closer to home the fierceness hits
I could describe the place and time
Somewhere between oceans and rivers which are unkind.
Now you and I are meeting for the last time,
Or perhaps not
One can never tell future pages of the book unwritten
If you see me in your way, walk on, as I will do the same.
Devil's own private sale.


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